Monday, September 15, 2008

Ahhh my own little blog of Warrior rage.

It's grown to a point where I usually have a lot to say and ramble about but I never really get the chance to express it. I build it up in my head, and I begin to post it on the public Warrior forums, only to hit select all then delete it because I know exactly what kind of reply I'm gonna get from the greater (bad) Warrior community. So I took a queue from my buddy Sam(You all know him as Jayde the Death Knight in beta) and decided to make my own blog to rant and ramble on about how much I like or dislike the direction my class is going.

When I really sit down and think about it, I should have done this long before, alas, better late then never.


Sam said...

Why do you have a picture of a big anime butt for your profile.

What are you trying to say??

bluesaero said...

Interesting blog. I hope you post more soon, I'll be sure to bookmark this one.

Unknown said...

Always good to read thoughtful....erm....thoughts....from another warrior.

I'll be checking back :)

Kadomi said...

Hooray for more warrior blogs, and welcome to my feed list. :)


Unknown said...

hoho! Emmy with a blog, I'll be keeping track of this, even though I am a die hard paladin now.

-Moonboy aka Thunderkat