Monday, September 22, 2008

Death Knight Envy.

So Jayde started a little thread over in the Death Knight forums about Death Knight survivability here. His argument was basically along the lines of him being able to live for absurd amounts of time with no healer, on the strength of his abilities alone as a survival spec. Oh Death Knights, how I envy you and your "problems". I don't think Warrior and survivability should even be mentioned in the same sentence together, unless you have a healer attached at the hip, but then that's not OUR survivability now is it? For a Warrior, it's not really "How long can I survive?" it's "How long until this person horribly kills me?"

I don't really feel like getting into one giant song and dance about Death Knights vs Warriors because I already did that before here. I also don't have my pocket healer or pocket Druid on beta to get that full "Warrior" experience that makes the class such a "joy" to play. So who's to say how my Warrrior will perform on live right? Now if you'll excuse me I have an arena match to get into vs Warlock/Shadow Priest, that should be fun, survivability don't fail me now!


Tyler Durden said...

Actually, warriors has a different play style than other classes. Warriors should fight epicly till their last piece of blood without running away, feigning death, vanishing or blocking all attacks with some ice etc... Seriously, can you imagine a warrior lying on the floor, feigning death, or being safe inside a icy wall like a little kitty?

But offcourse, it doesn't mean we should take tons of damage and die quickly. So, you are quite right about survivability issues of warriors.

Rouges can stun you for insane amounts of time and can vanish when he realize he will probably be dead if he cant get you down. Paladins can bubble themselves and they are wearing plate for the god sake!

Ctrl said...

I'm jealous a bit too, I don't understand Fury sometimes.

Aggro generating passive heals that aren't very effective in PvP tacked to a class with no aggro dump coupled with attacks designed to generate more threat and talents that reduce threat.

Just a strange tree.

Oobodah said...

Yea, I'm starting to feel some of this envy also. So much so that I'm having genuine thoughts of shelving my warrior for a DK....something I know I don't want to do in my heart as I really love the guy ;(

The survivability mindset when it comes to warriors is still the same as it was when we were cleaving people in two with our Arcanite Reapers. Times have changed, every other class has some very very good survivability or gimmick that fits the archetype they are based of. Every class except for warriors now that plate armor is literally useless against everybody except another warrior.

So why pray tell...why are we forced to still take additional damage in our primary stance (let's be frank....the rend overpower gimmick is just not worth it) and why is there a counterbalance attached to everything that's useful. Recklessness is crap...we still take 20% additional damage, Deathwish doesn't grant fear immunity but the 5% damage taken remains. All while we struggle to get to that hunter, mage, druid or while rogues, DKs, paladins, warlocks tank us and tear us apart.

Even if I could somehow syphon all my IRL nerdrage onto my still wouldn't fix anything :@

Shiva said...

I am not sure how much you knew of it, if at all, but back in TBC there was the idea for Priests of Championing (an idea that was eventually scrapped, due to over-reliance, per a blue poster).

It seems quite intended for warriors to rely on pocket healers. Such reliance is what makes healers far more desire-able too.

It's almost like a pseudo-mechanic to force warriors to attempt to be tanks. And it keeps things moving.

Death Knights on the other-hand don't really feel like they're suppose to tank. Just thinking of things, like Death Grip, it gives the illusion of feeling the DK is forcing someone to come to them, whereas the warrior is trying to intimidate a person to attack them.

But to my original point, I think on a whole, it's beneficial to encourage the pairing. Healers are woefully pathetic on their own. You don't ever and will never see two healer, three healer or five healer teams. Warriors encourage healers.

And speaking as a healer, I'd much rather have a warrior "protecting" me than a death knight.